The Latest NDT Inspection Imaging Technology from Technical Industries, Inc.
This image is a display of an inspected pipe using Technical Industries, Inc.
proprietary PC based electronics UT imaging system showing the condition of the pipe in the following manners:
- Standard display.
- Imaging the whole pipe including the positions and severity of the defects.
- Imaging the whole pipe wall thickness.
The colors represent the condition and the intensity of the defects.
Variations in the wall thickness and severity of the defects in relationship to the nominal wall thickness of the pipe are presented in the following manner:
0 to 2% white. 2%+ to 5% gray. 5%+ to 10% yellow. 10%+ to 15% blue. 15%+ to 20% orange. 20%+ red. The colors can be modified to meet customer's specifications.
The latest addition will enhance Technical Industries, Inc. Visonic™ 3D imaging which enable the customer by using proper equations to simulate tensile strength, burst and collapse rate of each pipe. By comparing previous inspections to the latest inspections, one can predict the future life expectancy of the pipe and store pipe images for future references.
This latest development to Technical Industries, Inc. technology will enhance Technical Industries, Inc. inspections including the proprietary expandable inspection technology recently used by Baker Oil Tools and BP to achieve the first monobore well (Read Baker Oil Tools article attached).
Technical Industries, Inc. was established since May 11, 1971 confirms it's commitment to be the leader in developing the most advanced NDT inspection technology going back to the first full pipe body ultrasonic system favored by the world largest oil companies. The developing of the 64 points wall moving average first used in developing the Mobile Bay and the Visonic 3D imaging used by BP, Texas A&M, Halliburton, Baker Hughes and others. This proprietary technology enables the energy companies to reach energy reserves present technology cannot reach.